Monday, July 25, 2011

Intern Spotlight: Annie

Intern Annie is doing a potable water and grey water project in the rural communities of Manchon and Santa Ana. Have a look at some of the photos from Manchon!

About six months ago, Doña Berta received a filter for her pila but it stopped working after two weeks. Today they are installing Annie's version specifically for Manchon at her house and the houses of three other women designed.

Throughout the community there is a great deal of standing grey water in the roads.

Annie practices a talk on SODIS, grey water management and water purification with Manchon's health committee.

The health committee gives their talk to the patients waiting to see the doctor at the health center.

Annie and Olga, the president of the health committee, went door-to-door to talk to women individually about potable water.

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